Who said you have to be 21 to party?

Turning 18 in a sense is a landmark... it is a sign that you have cenrtainly entered adulthood. Although you cannot officially drink you can finally PARTY! with the big boys. Unfortunately time and time again you have heard about a new club and immediately following how great it is you hear... but its 21+ (words that no 18 yr old without a fake i.d wants to hear) Fortunately enough you have ME the gateway to all the hottest 18+ clubs and parties in the Boston area. So I hope you're ready to party.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Go Big or Go Home!

So tonight is my "Mini Me's" Birthday celebration shout outs to my CV shorty, and she is partying in V.I.P which prompts me to wonder is it better to go big or go home...

After countless times in both V.I.P and the club amongst the rest of the "normies" I have found it is so much better to pay the extra money and get a table and be able to enjoy yourselves. Just last week. After paying 40$ to get in the club, yes I said 40$... I brought myself a spot to share the dancefloor with a bunch of hooligans and drunken messes. After being elbowed for the umpteenth time I became so envious of the people who were in V.I.P why? #1 because they were not being harassed by mulitple guys who resempled shrek and an assortment of other ugly monsters... #2. They were enjoying their club experince comfortably not worrying about their friends getting lost in the crowd, or even getting swept away in the crowd themselves ( something that commonly happens amongst "small" people such as myself)... So when my mini me asked if I was attending her B- Day extravaganza... she had V.I.P I was almost inclined to say absolutely not thinking of how I had to work ... and if you are wondering yes I am at work right now as I am writing this, thinking about how I should be picking out my outfit and grooving to some "Gucci"... the only artist who gets my club nights started

So I want to say... enjoy your night tonight missy... and to anyone else going out tonight go big or go home... V.I.P will make ur status go up about 100 points... have everyone wondering who you are and how you got there... and wishing they were either in the limelight or sharing it with you

AND I ALSO WANT TO SAY!! come to KARMA on SAT. this weekend because it's going to be part II. and yes we will be up in V.I.P.

Happy Thursday everyone :)

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