Who said you have to be 21 to party?

Turning 18 in a sense is a landmark... it is a sign that you have cenrtainly entered adulthood. Although you cannot officially drink you can finally PARTY! with the big boys. Unfortunately time and time again you have heard about a new club and immediately following how great it is you hear... but its 21+ (words that no 18 yr old without a fake i.d wants to hear) Fortunately enough you have ME the gateway to all the hottest 18+ clubs and parties in the Boston area. So I hope you're ready to party.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Could this Be a Subliminal?

Now I'm wondering is this just for publicity or does Kim really think it's that serious she needs to laugh this off and keep partying with Natalie "Miss Chin (oops!) Nunn

Please tell me Kim did not go in... first off let me start by saying apparently these ladies did not read my post, "time to set the record straight" http://18goingon21.blogspot.com/2011/03/time-to-set-record-straight.html or because if they did they would have been squashed this wack beef and called a truce

It was reported that after Obama was killed Nick tweeted, "Kim, you next" which left many wodnering... what exactly was she trying to say?

It was also later confirmed that Ms. Minaj deleted her tweet, and soon rumors circulated her twitetr was hacked... either way Kim aint hearing that and she was STILL GOIN IN!

Im still wondering if it really got down to it and these ladies had to duke it out... who do you think would win?!?! I mean they are both petite, both short, that would make for a good fight (wouldn't you say?)

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