Who said you have to be 21 to party?

Turning 18 in a sense is a landmark... it is a sign that you have cenrtainly entered adulthood. Although you cannot officially drink you can finally PARTY! with the big boys. Unfortunately time and time again you have heard about a new club and immediately following how great it is you hear... but its 21+ (words that no 18 yr old without a fake i.d wants to hear) Fortunately enough you have ME the gateway to all the hottest 18+ clubs and parties in the Boston area. So I hope you're ready to party.

Monday, May 9, 2011

"Hoodwives" casting call

Now Casting For "HoodWives" (Atlanta)

Date: 2011-05-09, 3:14PM EDT
Reply to: mailto:gigs-yvbvj-2371297956@craigslist.org?subject=Now%20Casting%20For%20%22HoodWives%22%20(Atlanta)&body=%0A%0Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fatlanta.craigslist.org%2Fatl%2Ftlg%2F2371297956.html%0A [Errors when replying to ads?]

We are looking for those women who can bring real to reality television. Hood Wives of Atlanta is a show that will portray the real lives of "Hood" "chicks" who are facing real struggles, temptations, successes and failures of everyday life on an average level. Has anyone ever called you "Hood"? Are you now or ever had to get assistance with your bills? Are you a "Go Getta" that will find a way to make your money to take care of your family? Do you feel as though you have not quite met your full potential? Do you feel like you just can not relate to some of the other "Housewives" shows? Then bring us your truth and we will share it with the world!

Leading Role Description: Welfare recipient (now, past, or not afraid to if you had to), GED, High school diploma or no education at all, baby daddy drama, incarcerated boyfriend/husband, aspiring rapper/actor for a boyfriend/husband, recreational drug and or alcohol use, frequent clubber, multiple kids or none at all, hustler/resourceful, will get your bills paid by any means necessary, dancer (former or current). If anyone has ever told you are "Ghetto" or "Hood"you will fit this role.

Please send 2 photos (head shot & body shot) and your story in the body of this email or @
Thank you
  • Location: Atlanta
  • it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
  • Compensation: no pay
I thought this would bring some entertainment to everyone's Monday.... how sad!!!
BUT I bet they are going to have everyone and their mother applying, running around talkin about, "ggiirrlll I'm about to be on "hoodwives" did you hear?!?!?" LMAOO!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's day!!!

Sounding so cliche, I think everyday should be mother's day truthfully. Growing up my father was barely in the picture and even to this day he is very sometimey. As a child I was so fortunate to have a mother who played both roles in my life ( father and mother) There was never a time I wanted for anything. I can remember many of times my mother giving her last... just so I could go on a trip or splurge with my friends and for that I am eternally thankful. All too often have I overlooked and took the things my mother has done for me for granted, not taking the time out to truly tell her how much I love her and appreciate her everyday of my life, even days when I feel it is impossible to get along with her. I know raising me was not easy, as I was def. a problem child at times my mother handled the responsibility well and shaped me into the driven motivated young woman I am today. I love that she keeps it "so real" but hate it at the same time lol. Not many kids can say that about their parents. I was instilled with so much wisdom and knowledge ever since I can remember because my mother always kept it "real" outlining the good the bad and the ugly no matter how much i did not want to hear it. I also want to say thankyou to my grandmother who is also one of the strongest ladies I know, she raised 6 children on her own... 6! all whom of which have grown to be excellent people. So kudos to her, because it was the knowledge she passed onto my mother that was passed onto me, and hopefully one day I can be half as wonderful as the ladies in my life are and pass the same knowledge onto my children.
                                                                                                         Love- Ashley

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Wale in Boston 05/11

My name Wale and I came to get it, came to get it, came to get it, WALE!
I just want to hear him say that then I'm out :X

Where: Wilbur Theater
Boston, MA

When: Wednesday May 11,2011
9:00 pm

This is an 18+ show... Wilbur theater is big on checkin i.d's so no funny business and the bar is fully stocked for those old enough to indulge... HAVE FUN :)

I wish oh how I wish Lady Gaga was going just so I could hear my song :(

Story of the Day.

So of course working in a hotel you get all kinds of attention. Granted I never actually pay any of these knuckle heads any mind... I made an exception to one. It could have been the bottle of moscato he brought back for me when he came from the liquor store ( who knows) but anyways I agreed to take his number down and this may come as a surprise lol.... I never called! So, just the other night he comes into my hotel looking for his usual jacuzzi room and of course we were sold out so I thought after the words, "Sorry we are completely booked" rang out my mouth that would be the end of the conversation ( but of course not.) This man/ boy let call him a moy... began to go on and on in his heavy hatian accent about how he was so upset I did not call this and he wanted to take me out that... As he was blabbering on I glanced outside and saw hsi beautiful car, then thought about how I was going to drive to providence tonight with no license then a light bulb went off in my head ( ding ding ding) So after interuppting his nonsense I said you and your boys should come to the club tonight with my girls, not inviting him because I actually wanted to enjoy his company but only because desperate times call for desperate measures, and I cannot be driving with no license or in cooler terms "riding dirty" so of course he was wicked excited and said okay see you later... BAD MISTAKE. So I get off work rush like crazy because its already 11 o clock and we need to go all the way to providence. Finally I meet him and it is 11:30 and he's on chill mode... needing to get gas and some more stuff  Thinking to myself there is no way in hell I went through all this trouble to not make it to the club we better get there, we finally picked up my friend and were on our way. The ride was pure hell. between him talking nonsense about how he's a rapper, and he lives this life I thought I was about to jump out of the moving car. Finally we get there to see a line around the corner... thinking to myself we they do that at... i marched to the front of the line knowing that money talks flashed a couple bills and we were in there! of course he paid. What a relief time to party I thought of course he is on my ass invading my space cramping my style making it awkward for me to be near any other guys. I was so relieved he went to the bar, taht gave me the chance to get my groove on, on the low :) The whole night I was walking on egg shells trying not to make him uncomfortable and respect him but also trynna get a new roster going :) so finally when i saw him dancing on some fat chick in the corner that was the okay i needed. I went wild danced with all the guys I had been eyeing from the time  I walked in the door and walked away with 3 numbers (kudos to me) needless to say the ride home was a quiet one and i think he got the picture. Lesson learned do not go to the club with a MOY (man boy) in general or a weirdo for that matter.

Now you see HIM now you don't.

I thought this would bring some entertainment and possibly some curiostiy to your day... because It sure brought all that and some more to mine.
The man woman photo'd above is named Nadia and he she was born a MAN.
After having one of my favorite scenes from one of my favorite movies, "ms. Doubtfire" all I could hear was his son's voice of "HE's A SHE, SHE's A HE" in utter disbelief and shock.
She def. belongs on Maury... and I bet when it was time to decide if she was a man or a woman she would have everyone fooled.

It is also reported that Ms. Nadia is heavily involved in the rap game and has been "involved" with many infamous rappers.

including Waka Flocka... who has been giving his flame out to everyone and their mother... let's hope this tranny was smart and wrapped it up or she might be the one who is actually in for a surprise... BOW WOW ( I wonder if Angela Simmons knows, and if so does she not find that disturbing?!?!)

I mean yah, she is bad... but she is a he, and I can only imagine what is going on South of the Equator #Nuffsaid

Who knew the party scene came with such drama? now you have to worry about if the girl you see across the room is a man or not. pure madness.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Go Big or Go Home!

So tonight is my "Mini Me's" Birthday celebration shout outs to my CV shorty, and she is partying in V.I.P which prompts me to wonder is it better to go big or go home...

After countless times in both V.I.P and the club amongst the rest of the "normies" I have found it is so much better to pay the extra money and get a table and be able to enjoy yourselves. Just last week. After paying 40$ to get in the club, yes I said 40$... I brought myself a spot to share the dancefloor with a bunch of hooligans and drunken messes. After being elbowed for the umpteenth time I became so envious of the people who were in V.I.P why? #1 because they were not being harassed by mulitple guys who resempled shrek and an assortment of other ugly monsters... #2. They were enjoying their club experince comfortably not worrying about their friends getting lost in the crowd, or even getting swept away in the crowd themselves ( something that commonly happens amongst "small" people such as myself)... So when my mini me asked if I was attending her B- Day extravaganza... she had V.I.P I was almost inclined to say absolutely not thinking of how I had to work ... and if you are wondering yes I am at work right now as I am writing this, thinking about how I should be picking out my outfit and grooving to some "Gucci"... the only artist who gets my club nights started

So I want to say... enjoy your night tonight missy... and to anyone else going out tonight go big or go home... V.I.P will make ur status go up about 100 points... have everyone wondering who you are and how you got there... and wishing they were either in the limelight or sharing it with you

AND I ALSO WANT TO SAY!! come to KARMA on SAT. this weekend because it's going to be part II. and yes we will be up in V.I.P.

Happy Thursday everyone :)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

J Cole at Umass Boston Tonight

I really had to try and sit here for labout 30 seconds and try and think of what songs this man sings and after 30 seconds of drawing a complete blank... Beats me!!

Well anyways for those of you who know his songs, he's at UMASS BOSTON TONIGHT!! for ticket info call... it's pretty last minute so do not show up expecting much

www.umb.edu - 100 William T Morrissey Boulevard, Boston - (617) 287-5000

Have fun and email!! ;)

Could this Be a Subliminal?

Now I'm wondering is this just for publicity or does Kim really think it's that serious she needs to laugh this off and keep partying with Natalie "Miss Chin (oops!) Nunn

Please tell me Kim did not go in... first off let me start by saying apparently these ladies did not read my post, "time to set the record straight" http://18goingon21.blogspot.com/2011/03/time-to-set-record-straight.html or because if they did they would have been squashed this wack beef and called a truce

It was reported that after Obama was killed Nick tweeted, "Kim, you next" which left many wodnering... what exactly was she trying to say?

It was also later confirmed that Ms. Minaj deleted her tweet, and soon rumors circulated her twitetr was hacked... either way Kim aint hearing that and she was STILL GOIN IN!

Im still wondering if it really got down to it and these ladies had to duke it out... who do you think would win?!?! I mean they are both petite, both short, that would make for a good fight (wouldn't you say?)

Friday, April 29, 2011

Have fun tonight SMC!

Congrats to SMC for their 2011 Spring Line Launch... I know tonight is your big night...Hope you have an awesome party and an awesome turnout!!

For those of you who don't know SMC has been doing some big things or #winning as one of the member's likes to say... Their clothing line has been doing amazing with many of their things available at Laced and a variety of other places... and with their Spring Line out I know that will be a big hit.
And for those of you who thought one looked familiar... one of the members has also been featured on the site with his music video a remake of Rick Ross' "devil in a new dress"

Who knew talent could be used in such various ways... keep it up guys :)

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Aids Walk of Boston 2011

As we mark 30 years of HIV/AIDS, there is still much work to be done. More than 1.1 million people are estimated to be living with HIV in the United States, but 1-in-5 don't know it.
In Massachusetts, strong support for HIV prevention and care services has helped reduce new HIV diagnoses in the state by 59% over the last 10 years.
AIDS Walk Boston and the Larry Kessler 5K Run help fund the programs and services of AIDS Action Committee of Massachusetts, New England’s oldest and largest AIDS organization. Action works. Support Boston's AIDS Walk & 5K Run!

When: June 5 ,2011

Where: BOSTON, MA!
AIDS Walk Boston’s scenic route travels along the streets of Boston, beginning and ending at the DCR Hatch Memorial Shell on the Charles River Esplanade in Boston, where the opening and closing ceremonies are located.  The route includes three checkpoints staffed by volunteers with water, fruit, and small snacks

6.2 Miles long, anyone one can join

it's an awesome cause and although I feel like I am going to die in the end when it is all said and done I feel great knowing I made a difference!

( for more info)

My goal is to raise 300$ and even if I don't ... and I have to come out of pocket this is money well spent!
Everything helps so even if you do not have the money come out and walk and raise money that way!!

Happy Easter everyone!!

What a beautiful day....

I think Easter was always one of my favortie days...
1. Because my mother used to give the family easter egg hunt
2. Preparing for it was always soooo fun....

Coloring the eggs, stuffing them with candy, and eating whatever candy was left over was always the best part. I can always remember my number one priority being to find the "golden egg" which was the one with the money in it and every year me being the only one who got it... Half of my family thought I cheated because my mom was the one who hid them and the other half just thought I was smart and I would like to agree with the second half ;)

Nowadays I feel bad for young kids with young parents especially the ones who have no sense... they don't understand the definition if Easter or even the "true " meaning of easter Today is god's day and there is a lot more to it then eggs, candy and fun.

So for everyone especially the little kids stepping out in their dresses and suits thank your parents for bringing you up with some class!!! because the kids I see running around nowadays don't have the faintest clue about Easter, and how it is really supposed to be.

So although I am at work right now, I am def. wishing I was at church so for everyone who has the luxury of attending please enjoy it a little more just for me.

I cannot wait to go home to my family, share some laughs and eat some good food :)

McDonald's Transgender Victim Speaks out!! on Beating

Supposedly the women were stunned to see Christopher in the ladies room, began to make a scene spitting in his face, and even claiming that he tried to take one of the "men" then all HELL broke loose from there...

The official Obama administration policy: “Never bring a lawsuit against a black.”  Because white people should be second-class citizens to pay for what they did, you know.
A white girl – who may or may not have been transgender - was beaten for an incredibly long time until she was lying near a trash can convulsing in seizure while numerous black McDonald’s employees and patrons did virtually nothing to stop the savage attack that just went on and on.
The attackers were two black girls who repeatedly kicked the victim in the head and at one point smashed her head against a wall.
The video appears here.  At least for the moment.  I hope you don’t watch it.
I actually did, because the McDonald’s employee who posted it lyingly claimed that the victim was a transvestite wearing a wig.  And I didn’t want to post this if it ended up being something other than what it very clearly is: a hate crime race beating against a white girl.  One of the ways I know that scumbag (and anyone who didn’t punch those two vicious criminal girls in the face to stop their attack is a scumbag) is lying because one of the attackers actually dragged the girl across the floor by her hair.  Some wig.

According to the Baltimore Sun, police have charged a 14-year-old girl as a juvenile, and charges are pending for her 18-year-old accomplice.  The attack reportedly occurred April 18 at the 6300 Kenwood McDonald’s location.
The Sun is also reporting that State’s Attorney Scott D. Shellenberger says that the assault may be classified as a hate crime because the attackers were both black, and the victim white.
The video, which was uploaded to LiveLeak.com, shows two black females kicking, punching and slapping a white female who at one point starts to have a seizure. Restaurant employees could be seen watching the fight and adding their own splash of commentary to the shocking scene, but only once half-heartedly trying to help the victim. One employee is even heard laughing.
A man who appears to be the manager at the fast food eatery, interjects between the victim and attackers about two times but ultimately gives up on separating the young women.
At first, the attackers appear to walk away from the battered victim with one of them uttering “she’s bleeding, yo.” The pair, however, emerge for a brutal second round where they drag the victim by her hair across the restaurant.
Finally a customer, an elderly white woman, attempts to rescue the victim but is pushed aside by the aggressive girls.
The video ends as the suspects flee the restaurant after having been told by restaurant employees that the police were on their way.
“Ya gotta go before the police come yo!” the worker is heard telling one of the girls.
The helpless victim is left on the floor where she is seen rolling around in convulsions as a result of what appears to be a seizure

Story from.... http://startthinkingright.wordpress.com/2011/04/22/brutal-racist-hate-crime-beating-at-mcdonalds-victim-may-be-transgender-or-beating-probably-okay/ ( click to read more)

Im happy those broads are being charged.... and that juvenile needs to be charged as an adult... she was big enough to pull a stunt like that she can be big enough to deal with the consequences!

Harvard Drug Murder Makes Indictment! ( I wonder if Tyra knew about this before she attended?)

Jabrai Jordan Copney, 22, was essentially living at Harvard with his girlfriend, who was a student, when he masterminded a plot to rob Justin Cosby at gunpoint of money and marijuana inside Kirkland House in May 18, 2009. When Cosby refused to comply with the robbers, Copney fatally shot him, according to Middlesex prosecutors.

A jury of three men and nine women returned their guilty verdict shortly after noon today. Judge John Lu sentenced Copney after a brief sentencing hearing. Life without parole is the mandatory sentence for first-degree murder.
Copney's mother, Yvette, broke down and wept after the verdict was announced. Denise Cosby, the victim's mother, who attended with about a half dozen friends and relatives, was quietly exultant.
Middlesex District Attorney Gerard T. Leone Jr.’s office had singled out Copney as the person most responsible for the slaying.
Key evidence came from Copney’s former friend, Blayn Jiggetts, who plead guilty to manslaughter in return for taking the stand as a prosecution witness.
Jiggetts identified Copney as Cosby’s killer. At the same time, Jiggetts acknowledged that he had brought the 9mm handgun from New York City that was used in the murder. He faces less than 20 years in prison.
Earlier this year, Jason Aquino, 21, of New York pleaded guilty to manslaughter, admitting he participated in the shooting. Aquino also pleaded guilty to armed robbery and misleading a Middlesex grand jury. Under a deal with prosecutors, he will serve 18 to 20 years in prison on all three charges.
The verdict leaves one person still facing prosecution for playing a role in Cosby’s death – Copney’s girlfriend, Brittany Smith, who was a Harvard senior just one week from graduation when Cosby was shot.
Smith, who has not been allowed by the Cambridge school to formally graduate, allegedly knew about the robbery plot in advance but did nothing to stop it even after she saw Jiggetts load the firearm in her room, prosecutors alleges.
After the shooting, she also allegedly took the murder weapon from Copney and stashed it in a friend’s room at the Lowell House residence hall, where it was found hours later by police.
Smith, a New York City resident, has pleaded not guilty to charges of illegal possession of a firearm, accessory after the fact to murder, willfully misleading a grand jury, and willfully misleading a police officer.
Another Harvard student implicated in the case, Chanequa Campbell, testified against Copney and is not facing criminal charges. Campbell, who is also from New York, was a senior and has also been barred from graduation.
The guilty verdict came after Copney’s defense attorney, John Amabile, told the jury in his closing argument on Wednesday that his client was “totally innocent.”
Daniel Bennett, an assistant Middlesex district attorney, told the jury, “Jabrai Copney took away everything that Justin Cosby was. And Jabrai Copney, through his decision, took away everything Justin Cosby might have been.’’

Lessons learned from this story:
Don't set up deals with 5,000 pounds of weed ( especially with someone you don't know)
Never doubt someone especially someone with a gun
Don't do dirt with your friends because 9/10 they will be the ones to turn on you the quickest.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Girl gets beat so bad she has a seizure... thats a damn shame!

That video to my left literally made me sick no lie. The fact that these bitches and yes I say bitches excuse my language but they deserve nothing but my utmost disrespect!! proceeded to jumb her the way they did need to be locked up or have their asses beaten 10X worse than she did. the fact that they were kicking her in her head they way they did makes absolutely no sense and shows they have no regard for human lfie... she could have broken her neck ( and im sorry to say this.. but I wish she did so she could sue the hell out of these broke hoodrats, not like they probably had anything in the first place) and I am not about to stop there the fact they keep coming back is not even the worse part the worse part is when one of these "shaniqua" ass lookin broads comes back this "so called becky" actually defends herself which prompts the hungry one to come back and start punchin her in the head trying to get her off the friend which shows these bitches didn't have any scrap in the first place and they had to jump her.... then when the white girl is asking where her son is they begin to mock her are you serious right now?!?! and what gets me is this poor girl is holding on to the older womans leg as thse girls are literally draggin her by her hair. SHAME ON MCDONALDS STAFF FOR WATCHING THIS FUCKERY SHAME ON WHO EVER FILMED IT AND SHAME ON WHO EVER DID NOT THROW THESE BITCHES OUT!. I am beyound livid now. it is a shame we live in a society where people are praised for filming shit like this and entertain shit like this to get on various websites such as worldstar hip hop, mediatakeout, and even youtube. and shame on the websites for promoting this shit. its all fun and games until someone gets hurt... exactly what happened here

Think abotu your sister or your mother getting jumped like that.... How would you feel?!?!

Here is a message to those bitches: I hope ya'll get every horrible thing coming to you hungry ass hippos. including but not limited to ... AIDS, DEATH , or SERIOUS INJURY! and I do not wish things like that on anyone.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Janelle Monae and Bruno Mars in Boston

All I could think was shut up! between Janelle Monae's fem tuxedos and James Brown dances and Bruno Mars' "too cool" attitude I don't know who I am more exicted to see!!! I love them both :)
                        This Pic is the "epitome" of hotness and captures both of their characters

                                    "Bruno Mars & Janelle Monae: Hooligans in Wondaland"

Where will they be?
Agganis Arena Boston, MA
Time: 8:00 PM

Date: Sunday, May 8th, 2011

Ticket Prices: Range but the cheapest are less than $50.

This show will def. be out of control, although their music is eccentric and a bit different and they may not be everyone's "cup of tea" They define my cup of tea.... and add that extra sugar for me also!

Boys II Men in Boston Tonight!

Boys II Men better watch out because you know who else is in town Diddy and Dirty Money, and besides the older woman who used to jam to them back in the day I think Diddy is going to steal most of the SHINE!

I love this pic of them.

When: Tonight April 21, 2011

Where: Wilbur Theater ( downtown)
246 Tremont St
Boston, MA
18+ show

Tickets: $50+ and should be available at the door
Call ahead of time to be on the safe side

(617) 248-9700
"Although we’ve come to the end of the road
Still I can’t let you go
It’s unnatural, you belong to me, I belong to you
Come to the end of the road
Still I can’t let you go
It’s unnatural, you belong to me, I belong to you"..... ( don't get me started!!)

Damn You D.U.I

So of course tonight Diddy and Dirty Money and Boys II Men will be in Boston at the House of Blues and the Wilbur Theater!!!.... and of course I have to attend yet another one of these mandatory 4 hour meetings on account of a bad decision.
Too bad these signs arent posted on the streets of MA instead of GA, maybe I would have thought twice!

 To anyone attending either the Dirty Money concert or even Boys  II Men have fun!! and enjoy my couple of favorites "Love Come Down" and "End of the Road"

And although I say Damn the D.U.I I cannot blame anyone but myself, I was the only one who made the conscious decision to drink and drive, and although I was under the influence YES! I still had a choice.
Although this D.U.I has cost me over $5,000 a loss of license since October, a waste of time and a lot of inconvinence I am thankful that I did not hurt myself or anyone else especially!

I hope everyone can learn from my bad choice and think twice before they have a couple and decide to get behind the wheel because it is not worth it.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Young Riot - American Dream [Official Video] (Y.O.M.P.) Amalgam Digital

All these dudes are talkin it but he's is really doing it #letsgo

Representing for Boston... and I love it :). Congrats riot you deserve all that you are accomplishing and so much more!!

Monday, April 18, 2011


My decision to shave my head may come as unusual, unpresidented, and just plain old confusing, but it was a decision I did for me.

After receiving a text from my sister, "Hey ash, we are going natural at the end of summer!." I agreed, as usual ( especially being the little sister that usually thinks everything her big sister does is cool) and immediately began looking at photos of natural women.
Instantly Chrisette Michele popped up and I noticed her lack of locks and I LOVED IT!!!
I got home and said I am cutting all my hair off. considering I have had a range of short hairstyles and actually being bald on one side no one thought anything of it, but then when I said no, THE WHOLE THING! it turned into such a big deal. As soon as my sister took it all in she called my bluff and said if you really plan on doing it, do it now! :)... being one to never back down I accepted the challenge went downstairs to the barbershop and said I was a #2. and for anyone who is not familiar with "barbershop lingo" this is a very low cut....and Look at me now.
(you know what they say... ask and you shall receive)
I have been getting mixed reviews some absolutely crazy about it and others not so much)
But guess what who cares?!?! I believe beauty is instilled through confidence and comes from within so regardless of what people think I love my new look and I am going to rock it :)

I also love the beginning of my new sleeve tooo!!! isn't it BADASS :) this is just the outline it is not quite finished but I know its going to be great!

My overview of Karma Providence 04-15

So Karma of Providence is now 18+ wow!!!
After reading reviews for months of how Karma was fighting Providence to turn its 21+ age limit to 18... it finally happened ( a mistake that could have actually been for the worse or better)
The worse- because now you have all the wild teeny boppers. the older crowd was so not used to running around the club like they have lost their minds
The better- because us "young people" are always looking for new hotspots, which will in turn bring more revenue to the club$$$

Anyways as my friends arrived for what we thought would be a "fun" girls night out we arrived to Karma at about 12 am and observed a half empty club of many "less than favorable faces" althought there were a couple cuties in the crowd they were very hard to find except for this one hottie for P.C who shall remain nameless ( but you were lookin good) anyways there were
not as many African Americans as I had expected which was a bit of a let down, but anyone who knows me knows I DO NOT DISCRIMINATE! I also observed stripper poles throughout the club which were a big PLUS+++ minus(-) the uglies dancing on them. The music was okay as they played a wide variety... especially my song "make it rain" which prompted a lot of the so called "ballers" to throw dollars on the floor the only thing I could think was where are the 20$
The drinks were veeerrrryyy pricey, maybe that could be why I did not gte many drink offers or It could have been the broke crowd I am not sure which one :)
All in all it was okay, not what I had expected after I observed endless lines during my club nights in Prov. Maybe it was because it was a friday night?!?!

here are the links to the pics judge for yourselves http://www.facebook.com/?ref=logo#!/media/set/fbx/?set=a.181283408586649.35430.100001149736394

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Raekwon in Boston! What ya'll youngins' know about Wu-Tang?

When he was hot ya'll was still in the sandbox, matter of fact you guys probably were't even thought of... Let me stop cuz I was def. gettin my diapers changed when Wu-Tang was hot. but that's okay because I still rock with them!!
So for all the old souls like me who appreciate real hip-hop hope to see you there!

Monday, April 18 | The Middle East Downstairs

Leedz Edutainment presents
Raekwon The Chef of Wu Tang Clan
"Shaolin VS Wu Tang" Album Release Party
Plus Special Invited Guests
8 pm doors
Tickets are $25 in advance & $28 day of show

*** Advance ticket sales typically stop one hour before doors open day of show (at DAY OF SHOW price). Any remaining tickets will be available after doors open -- CASH ONLY. Headliners always go on later than openers, and all set times are subject to change without notice. Set times are announced day of show, and are available by calling the Middle East Box Office -- (617) 864-3278 -- dial *(star)100 for a recorded listing, or ext. 221 for questions.

VALID I.D. is required for entry to ALL 18+ and 21+ events. All ticket holders will be carded regardless of apparent age. NO I.D.= NO ENTRY, NO EXCEPTIONS.
Ticket valid for 20% OFF your meal, day of show, at the Middle East or Zuzu!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

DASH NYC- were the Kardashians serious?!?! with this?

These people must be smoking the same stuff the Kardashian's were when they were pricing their merchandise for this disappointment they call a store.

let me elaborate, during my hiatus in New York amongst my list of things to do a very important one was to visit DASH NYC the Kardashian's store.
While reading the reviews in the taxi and hearing from my sister how much of a joke this was I still had to see for myself and boy did I. Upon walking in I observed a lot of cheaply made shirts, dresses and pants something you might see in a rainbows, tellos, or perhaps a Charlotte Russe and the prices were between $150- $300+
Don't get me wrong there is no shade coming from my direction but these broads are not even important like that a DASH v neck was $60 dollars and last but not lease a bottle of KIM K water was $10 after I saw that I was about ready to go drink the water off the filthy streets of NY. Im sorry but I refuse to feed into their BS! so sad so sad. they need to reassess and re-evaluate. and become a bit more REALISTIC!

Case  closed.


Wiz is back in Boston!! #letsgo

So if you missed him last time, get your tickets!

When: Thursday May 5th 7:00pm- 12:00am
Where: (Recreation Center) 130 North St Fitchburg, MA
Wiz Khalifa - myspace.com/wizkhalifa
Mims - youtube.com/user/mims

----- TICKET PRICING ----------------------------------------
Students: $15
Student Guests: $25
Faculty/Staff/Alumni: $20
General Public: $25 (ON SALE APRIL 4TH)

----- HOW TO GET YOUR TICKETS --------------------------
At the Info Desk (MON-THU 8am-6pm, FRI 8am-5pm)
By phone 978-665-3347 (WED-FRI 12:30pm-3:30pm)

----- OTHER INFORMATION ---------------------------------
MUST BE 17+, <17 MUST BE accompanied by an adult
Doors open at 7pm, Concert begins at 8pm
NO re-entry, cameras, bags, food or drinks

Regis College Fashion Show! April 14th

When: Thursday 7- 10 pm

Where: 23 Wellsley St
Weston, MA

April 14, 2011
Doors open at 6:30pm
Show starts at 7:00pm
Regis College, 235 Wellesley St, Weston, MA 02493

$5.00 College Student with ID
$10.00 General Public

Bella Rose by Isabella
Tru Fiction by Mark Cordell
Royal Thread
Perpetual Anastasia
Urban Fresh
Blixboy Clothing
DRI by Adriana

Mz Lyrical Poetic
Karmin Music


MAKEUP: Beautiful by Sara Beth

CONTACT INFO: agiro015@regiscollege.edu


Bikini Time at Club Rise 18+ April 15!

Friday at 9:00pm - Saturday at 1:00am
306 Stuart St.
Boston, MA
This Week: Pool Party! (Dress Up in Bathing Suits!)

Top 40 - - Hip Hop - - Mash-Ups - - Remixes





APRIL 15th
Come wearing your bathing suits, and don't forget your water wings!
$10- before 10 pm
$15- after 10 pm
Postive ID required!!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Scammers in MA selling tickets for Gucci Mane

First off let me start by saying after getting my daily dosage of MTO, and every other trashy gossip I love to indugle in, it's official GUCCI MANE is loonier than a looney toon and I love it. As if, him punching a woman in the face at one of his shows some time ago, or him tattooing an ice cream on his face was not enough it has just been confirmed that he tried to push a woman out of his moving hummer after she refused to go to a hotel with him for $150... smhhh!! I mean damn GUCC you could have found a thirsty video girl to do it for free... speaking of which where is Shaneeka Adams?

Anyways let me get to the story after doing some more digging about GUCCI because I LOVE HIM DUUHH!! I came across a site that said you could buy tickets to a gucci show in MA that is coming in late April. Instantly beginning to sweat and paying my customers no mind I continued to dig deeper
and it turns out the Hippodrome in Springfield MA that Gucci was supposed to be gracing his presence with knows nothing about this "Album Release". Like really after I just got my hopes all up ready to get White Girl Wasted he is not even coming to MASS... hell with the way things are going for him legally I dont think he will be doing much travelling besides the exercise he will be getting on the yard. So for anyone who paid the $60. for these so called once in a lifetime tickets you have been PUNKED!

Dont be surprised if you see me sporting a tee shirt that says "you are not the owner of the car that is a loaner" in honor of GUCCI as well as all these "imposters" out here frontin like the rentals are theirs SMH!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Toga Party Tonight at Rise!! 18+

How many 18+ toga parties do you know?... and at clubs?!?! This is going to be crazyy!!

April 8th, 2011

Today at 9:00pm - Tomorrow at 1:00am

306 Stuart St.
Boston, MA




Top 40 - - Hip Hop - - Mash-Ups - - Remixes










Come wearing your toga and get ready to party!

18+ | 9:00pm - 1:00am

Stay and party inside Rise until 6am!

BEFORE 10:00pm = $10


Next Friday - Angry African at UMD!!

Saturday April 9th 6pm-9pm Auditorium Umass Dartmouth 285 Old Westport Rd North Dartmouth, MA Stand Up comedian Michael Blackson of "friday" Meet and greet will be from 9:00pm - 10:00 pm $7- UMD students $10- non students $20- meet and greet after party wil be hotsed at UMD as well for more info: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=149922258402932 positive ID as well as a school a issued ID will be needed for entrance.

Tonight April 8th, 2011

Time: 10:00- 1:30 am

Location:  WPI Campus Center- Odeum
100 Institute Rd
                                                                      Worcester, MA

The official after party for Profreshional Fashion Show-Date Auction.


Free If attended Profreshionals

LOCATION: Campus Center- Odeum




18+ college and state ID accepted!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Serial Killer on the loose. Hide your kids, Hide your wives!!


Considering I am going to N.Y on Monday should I be worried... I mean I heard he was only targeting prosititutes so I guess I should be okay.

Antwoin Dodson will be forever in my head while this mad man is on the prowl. So to everyone in N.Y hide your kids hide you wives, and hide your husbands CUZ THEY KILLIN ERRBODDY!!

Alicia Keys was not lying when she called in the concrete jungle... It's just been released that there is a Serial Killer on the loose. I dont know about you guys but that to me is crazy. I mean I dont think I have known of any serial killer in my time so this is some serious stuff to me. Although he has only been attacking white prostitues who frequent the Long Island N.Y area... who knows when his preference could change. Hell he might even decide it is getting too hot! and come to Boston!

"Four bodies were discovered on the barrier island in December when police were searching for a missing New Jersey escort, Shannan Gilbert. Her body was not among those found, but all others had advertised sexual services on Craigslist. A fifth body was found last week and three more on Monday.
Serial killers are often romanticized in Hollywood as suave, intelligent types, but that is often not the case, Schlesinger said."

Images of SVU meets Craiglsit Killer meets American Psycho keeps popping up in my head. If those Hookers knew what was best they better take the a** beaten and stay in the house. Hell it beats dying!
-To the 9 ladies found thus far R.I.P and I hope they find this sickooo!!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Charlie Sheen's Winning in Boston

Okay so CRAZYYYY is set to come to Boston! When you ask, Tuesday April 12, 2011 at 8:00 pm at the Agganis Arena in Boston, MA. the funniest part about this all is people are actually going to promote this. With his tour being called "My Violent Torpedo of Truth". I can only begin to imagine what the heck he is going to be  talking about... hopefully he will come out with his "goddess" by his side... that would be classic. Although one tried to commit suicide maybe she will be fully recovered by then. Charlie's ticket prices are beginning at just $47.50 so if there are any of you with an extra $50.00 and don't know how to spend it... might as well go see him and let me know how it was so I can write about it. Because I sure as hell will not fuel his drug and party binges with my hard earned money

And get this an "ultimate experience package" with Charlie can be bought for $750.00
I repeat if anyone and I mean anyone pays $750 to meet this psycho and get an autographed picture.... you need to be evaluated.

Yours truly, Ashley Que

And you tell me Boston aint wild. and that's 18+ smh

I am all for partying don't get me wrong but when you are litereally being humped and dry fu**ed on the floor then that is a problem half of these girls are still babies wearing osh kosh b' gosh undies... and if you watched this video I know ur hip to what I am saying, it's like have some respect for yourself. I will be damned if a guy would ever come up to me trying to hump. I am a woman and a classy one at that... you better two step wit me playah. But for all you girls who like being rammed in the ass. More power to you

TrendSetter Tv HD: Fly Like A G6 ( that's how it's done)!!

Emmanuel Fashion Show 2k11 hosted by ANTM's BRE!

When: Saturday, April 2nd, 2011

Time: Show 7pm - until
After party 11pm- 2 am

Where: Emmanuel College
The Black Student Union of Emmanuel College Presents:

EMPULSE Fashion Show 2011
“Runway to Heaven…”

...Hosted by Bre formerly of America’s Next Top Model

Friday, April 1, 2011
Emmanuel College – Jean Yawkey Center
Take “D” Green Line train to Fenway Stop
Doors Open at 7:00PM - Show Begins at 7:30PM
$10 with Valid College ID
$12 General Admission

Designs By:
Aussie Bum Swimwear
Brian Stevens
Crown Holder
Isabella Louis
Lila Nikole Swimwear
Willie Knox Jeans
Zuri Msanii
And More....

Follow us on Twitter @EMPULSEfaShow

The Official “Runway to Heaven…” After Party Friday, April 1, 2011 Emmanuel College – Jean Yawkey Center Take “D” Green Line train to Fenway Stop

$5 with College ID ONLY Before 11PM – Price Inflation EMMANUEL COLLEGE STUDENTS (WITH EC ID) +2 GUESTS WITH COLLEGE ID Metal Detectors will be in use Doors open 10:30PM MUSIC PROVIDED by Trend Stream.


When: Friday April 1st, 2011

Time: 10:30 pm - 1:30 am

Where: Holy Cross (Hogan Ballroom)
            1 College St.
           Worcester, MA

Remember our last party "Turn up the Lights"?!?!

Well CASA is back at it again! Come party with CASA ONE LAST TIME before the semester ends at our Culture Night After Party!!!!!

Boston's own Vital Riddims on the 1s and 2s!!
...Spinning the latest Rap, Hip Hop, Reggae, R&B, Reggaeton, Bachata, Kompa, Zouk and more!

Get here on time, so you can have more time to whine!
Our last party reached capacity at 12:30am. You don't want to be left out!!!

Friday April 1st
Hogan Campus Center Ballroom (3rd floor)

HC Students: Free **HC ID Required**

Worcester Consortium: $3 before 12am, $5 after **College ID Required**

Get into the after party for free by attending Culture Night!!! Event Link:

******Non Worcester Consortium Students must be registered in STAR by an HC student and bring their Guest Pass + Proper ID ( College ID or State ID) to the party******

I mean Bentley and M.I.T are always the best let's see if Holy cross is even on their level!!!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Polo Party Bus Reiew

Finally up some of the pictures from this infamous Polo Party Bus!

Judging from the pictures it looked like "Mr. Blowin Sour fast" was def. the man of the hour
although everyone did not have on polo... which i was under the impression was a strict "must have"... for the most party everyone looked nice with exception of a few who will remain nameless! and it seemed like it was a lot of fun so Kudos!!

Can't wait until you do it again 
I will def. have to brace everyone with my presence and show em how to hold it!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Cedric the Entertainer Coming To Boston

With this man being one of the funniest comedians ever... well at least in my opinion, I am pleased to announce he will be coming to Boston!!!!

When: April 22, 2011

Where: Wilbur Theater
Downtown Boston, MA

Time: 7:30 pm

Ticket: prices are starting at 77$ as of now they are not sold out, and hopefully will not be the day, of which means you can purchase at the door.!
(considering his lude humor this show is probably geared toward a mature audience)

first Dirty Money
now CEDDY!! ( lavita voice from Steve Harvery)
Who's next?!!?

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Really though Chris?!!?

If you attended Chris Brown's album release party at Webster Hall the other night this would have been one of the many unfortunate scenes you would have witnessed. SMH
And he has the nerve to be smiling while this broad looks like she would be dancing to Uncle Luke on the Playa's Club wit Jamie Foxx yelling, "Kibbles and tits Kibbles and tit"
Just down right raunchy but then again most men settle for anything, especially when its being thrown at them. Chris Brown better watch out cuz if the rumor's were true about him neating Ri Ri up for her giving him something imagine what he might do to this broad... cuz she looks infested. ( I know this is mean but I can't help it)

and the sad part is he was photographed with his beautiful classy girlfriend hours before SMH.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Exclusive Mixtape Leak: Selfmade Matches "Devil In A Dress" Cover

Guess we have some talent in Boston huh?
#Shout outs to SMC :)


Sigma Gama Rho Sorority Presents: Poodles Gone Wild!

When: March 25th 9pm-1am
McCormack Ryan Lounge
100 Morrisey BLVD
Boston, MA

Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. was organized on November 12, 1922 in Indianapolis, Indiana by Mary Lou Allison Gardner Little and six teachers: Dorothy Hanley Whiteside, Vivian White Marbury, Nannie Mae Gahn Johnson, Hattie Mae Annette Dulin Redford, Bessie Mae Downey Rhodes Martin and Cubena McClure.

"Greater Service, Greater Progress" was to become the slogan and call of the organization that made November 12, 1922, a significant date in the history of the Black Greek system, for this date would mark the establishment of the first sorority of Black women on a predominantly white campus, Butler University in Indianapolis, Indiana.

The pretty poodles are making their return!!!! Come party with us,
and be sure to dress to DRESS TO IMPRESS!!!!

Doors open at 10:00pm
18+ Valid ID is a MUST

April 2nd

When: April 2nd

Where Hibernian Hall
182 Dudley St
Boston, MA 02119

Time: 9 pm - 2 am


...•••••••••SATURDAY, APRIL 2ND •••••••••


► TIME: 9pm-2am
► ADMISSION :$10 BEFORE 11:00pm and 15$ AFTER 11:00pm
Casual Dress (NO Hats, NO Doo Rags, NO Hoodys,
NO Plain Tees, Sneakers, Boots OK

•••• Hibernian Hall (184 DUDLEY ST. ROXBURY MA) ••••
"The Newly Renovated Hibernian Ballroom! The BEST 18+ Venue You Can Find That's IN Boston"
► PICTURES by Trick Starr
► VIDEO by Trendsetter TV


#letsgo Boston!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Time to Set the Record Straight.

I have to do it I have to... Like picture both these "Buffies"( I will stick with that word because I am trying to refrain from calling them B**ches) before.... and picture them after newfound "Barbies" After, they are practically clones, not in the sense that they look alike, but modeling the fact they they are aspiring to look completely different of their natural state. Kim, we dont even know you anymore, aside from your raps are sounding wacker than ever; you don't even look regular. With the nose, cheeks, lips breasts, and everything else on you being fake... What happened? and Nicki, we get it we do, Wayne said to rap about being a "bad bitch" you have to embody it so I guess you went on to enhance everything you think a "bad bitch" should have, breasts, ass, weave, make-up etc...

But what you do not see is, your modeling all of that after Kim... who do you honeslty think started the Black "Barbie trend"? So when Wayne said, here's 100 stacks head to the hills to get those butt shots and everything else who do you think he was picturing? Don't get me wrong you can rap... better than Kim in my opinion, your have more personality which is portrayed in your music, versus Kim's hood demeanor which some argue is better... But when you were a little foreigner from Trini in N.Y who did you see bracing the SOURCE as one of the top females in the game.. KIM! so don't tell me she is a nobody to you SMH.

Like grow up and pay homage where homage is due Nicki, and Kim your behind is pushin 40... chill wit the work, get someone better to write your raps, or here's a change write em yourself, call it a "truce" make a collab AND GET SOME MONEY!
There should be no shade amongst women of color... only embracement of one another ( that is what is so unfortunate about our culture.. it's the total opposite!)

p.s Listen to Kim "dissing" Nicki with her song "pissin on em" at the bottom left Notice I use the dissing term lightly as she samples Nicki's track and attempts to go in... #EPIC FAIL

Hookah Anyone?

Niles Lounge
70 Brighton Avenue
MA 02134
(617) 202-3011
"The Niles Lounge is New England's #1 hookah lounge. With over 30 flavors and 20 in-house blends, we offer products that satisfy seasoned hookah smokers as well as new comers."

They never lied, yesterday I went to my first hookah bar!! yay me... guess you can say Niles took my virginity :)
With all the crazy flavors ranging from cupcake flavored tobacco to pomegranate, they had everything!
I sampled the "big daddy" flavor last night which literally tasted as if I was smoking jolly ranchers
(all I could think of was imagine if the tobacco companies made flavored cigarettes... everyone would have cancer)
Prices: about 30$ per flavor this includes unlimited smoke for the amount of people of your choice.

They also had this cool cover they referred to as your condom which goes over the mouthpiece each time it's your turn to take a hit!! guess it eliminates the possibility of getting anyone elses germs lol
 This place is awesome, hip hop was played all night long, including a couple of my old time fav's like the "Big Tymers!!"(Got everythang in my momma's name but that's okay cuz im still FLLYYY)

Age: 18+
Time: Open from mid-day to 2 am

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Maybe there is more to being a model... Tyra heads for Harvard

Barack Obama, Natalie Portman, and Tatyana Ali are just a few very important people who happened to have attended Harvard and now we can add Tyra Banks to the list.

Tyra is reportedly attending Harvard's School of Business, stating "In order for my company to grow and be the best, and to reach these women, and to serve them, I needed the best. So I went to the best," Banks, 37, told CBS News recently.
Ms. banks rooms in the dorms... solo of course ( I mean could you imagine her with a roomate.)

Don't count on her attending any Harvard parties anytime soon guys, but congrats to her, its awesome to see an African American woman striving for more and continuing her education!

Diddy and Dirty Money April 21, 2011

Relax your mind, let cha conscious be free
And I roll with the sounds of BBE
Do it do it do it do it
Do it do it do it do it
(does Diddy pop with a coco-loso in hand :)

Yes Dirty Money and Diddy will be in Boston!

Where: House of Blues
Boston, MA

When: April 21, 2011
(show begins at 7pm)

Tickets: prices for tickets start at $46.50
so get them while they are still cheap!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Day 2.

Who said all that glitters isn't gold?: Day 2.: "Who said redheads couldn't have more fun? With my name usually being associated with spur of the moment decisions today was no different...&..."

R.I.P Nate Dogg

Nate Dogg also known as Nathaniel D. hale passed away yesterday Tuesday March, 15... his cause of death remains unknown although he has had an array of health issues including 2 strokes which left him partially paralyzed. With Nate Dogg always being known for his "too cool" attitude trademark bandana and a trimmed to perfection goat tee to complete the look he will be deeply missed in not only the hip hop world but also the lives of many others.
My ipod will be on shuffle hoping to hear... "Area Codes" (Nate Dogg and Luda) "I like that" ( Chingy and Nate Dogg) "The Next Episdoe" (Dre, and Nate Dogg) "21 Questions" (50 and Nate Dogg) and last but not least one of my favs! "REGULATE"