Who said you have to be 21 to party?

Turning 18 in a sense is a landmark... it is a sign that you have cenrtainly entered adulthood. Although you cannot officially drink you can finally PARTY! with the big boys. Unfortunately time and time again you have heard about a new club and immediately following how great it is you hear... but its 21+ (words that no 18 yr old without a fake i.d wants to hear) Fortunately enough you have ME the gateway to all the hottest 18+ clubs and parties in the Boston area. So I hope you're ready to party.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Maybe there is more to being a model... Tyra heads for Harvard

Barack Obama, Natalie Portman, and Tatyana Ali are just a few very important people who happened to have attended Harvard and now we can add Tyra Banks to the list.

Tyra is reportedly attending Harvard's School of Business, stating "In order for my company to grow and be the best, and to reach these women, and to serve them, I needed the best. So I went to the best," Banks, 37, told CBS News recently.
Ms. banks rooms in the dorms... solo of course ( I mean could you imagine her with a roomate.)

Don't count on her attending any Harvard parties anytime soon guys, but congrats to her, its awesome to see an African American woman striving for more and continuing her education!

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