Who said you have to be 21 to party?

Turning 18 in a sense is a landmark... it is a sign that you have cenrtainly entered adulthood. Although you cannot officially drink you can finally PARTY! with the big boys. Unfortunately time and time again you have heard about a new club and immediately following how great it is you hear... but its 21+ (words that no 18 yr old without a fake i.d wants to hear) Fortunately enough you have ME the gateway to all the hottest 18+ clubs and parties in the Boston area. So I hope you're ready to party.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Who Needs Cupid Anyways?

For the past couple of weeks I have had to deal with my friends stressing about how they either have no Valentine plans, or any potential Valentines for that matter.
I don't see the big deal, I mean yes it's nice to be wined and dined and have gifts thrown your way for just being you. But for those of you who are spending Valentine's day alone or even with someone who doesn't appreciate you... Maybe you should take this February 14th to show yourself how much your appreciated rather than looking to someone to do it for you.
This V-Day will officially be considered a "Me" Day where I plan on only spending it with me myself and I. No, not because I dont have anyone to take me out, but because I cannot share my happiness with someone else if I am not even happy with myself.

Hope everyone's day is as special as mine<3

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