Who said you have to be 21 to party?

Turning 18 in a sense is a landmark... it is a sign that you have cenrtainly entered adulthood. Although you cannot officially drink you can finally PARTY! with the big boys. Unfortunately time and time again you have heard about a new club and immediately following how great it is you hear... but its 21+ (words that no 18 yr old without a fake i.d wants to hear) Fortunately enough you have ME the gateway to all the hottest 18+ clubs and parties in the Boston area. So I hope you're ready to party.

Monday, February 14, 2011

It's the Thought That Counts

Whatever happened to creatvitiy?
I know we are all adults but where did the thought go into Valentine's Day, I just recently started working at a hotel, and this weekend I have beent the first to witness just how thoughtless some individuals are. We have a package going where you pay $40 extra dollars for your room and we will decorate it with roses, rose pedals on the bed, champagne, and balloons ( the whole nine) and the reactions I have been hearing from our clients' significant others were beyond belief ;they were estatic, but all I could think was would they be this happy if they knew their Man, or Woman did not do it themselves...
Call me "oldschool" but I like a little thought into my surprises.
I want my man to know what to do, and do it himself without me having to hint or even saying anything.... Maybe that's why my ideal DOES NOT exist :)
So for everyone doing something special today make sure it's from the heart and even if you don't have the money to "Ball out" get creative... I'm sure who-ever you are trying to make happy loves you just the way you are regardless of what you have to give on Valentine's Day or not remember it's just a day...

If anyone recieves anything hand made pllleeaaseee tell me the story (it would make my day)!

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