Guess who's Bizack... no Jay-Z tho.
So where do I start? I havent blogged in over a yr, went thru some things came out of some things and now im back. Truth be told I was going to abandon 18 going on 21 altogether, but then I saw an email notification that someone had commented on one of my posts. First I thought oh s%*t people still read this thing, then all the warm fuzzy feelings of blogging came rushing back and here I am.
I'm ready revamp, renew, and rock this blog. So stay tuned
18 Going On Twenty-One
18 Going On Twenty- One is a blog that is meant to appeal to all party- go'ers but particulary anyone between the ages of 18, and 21. My blog is meant to be informational and a source the young crowd can go to, and find all the hottest places to party.
Who said you have to be 21 to party?
Turning 18 in a sense is a landmark... it is a sign that you have cenrtainly entered adulthood. Although you cannot officially drink you can finally PARTY! with the big boys. Unfortunately time and time again you have heard about a new club and immediately following how great it is you hear... but its 21+ (words that no 18 yr old without a fake i.d wants to hear) Fortunately enough you have ME the gateway to all the hottest 18+ clubs and parties in the Boston area. So I hope you're ready to party.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Monday, May 9, 2011
"Hoodwives" casting call
Now Casting For "HoodWives" (Atlanta)
Date: 2011-05-09, 3:14PM EDT
Reply to: [Errors when replying to ads?]
We are looking for those women who can bring real to reality television. Hood Wives of Atlanta is a show that will portray the real lives of "Hood" "chicks" who are facing real struggles, temptations, successes and failures of everyday life on an average level. Has anyone ever called you "Hood"? Are you now or ever had to get assistance with your bills? Are you a "Go Getta" that will find a way to make your money to take care of your family? Do you feel as though you have not quite met your full potential? Do you feel like you just can not relate to some of the other "Housewives" shows? Then bring us your truth and we will share it with the world!
Leading Role Description: Welfare recipient (now, past, or not afraid to if you had to), GED, High school diploma or no education at all, baby daddy drama, incarcerated boyfriend/husband, aspiring rapper/actor for a boyfriend/husband, recreational drug and or alcohol use, frequent clubber, multiple kids or none at all, hustler/resourceful, will get your bills paid by any means necessary, dancer (former or current). If anyone has ever told you are "Ghetto" or "Hood"you will fit this role.
Please send 2 photos (head shot & body shot) and your story in the body of this email or @
Thank you
Leading Role Description: Welfare recipient (now, past, or not afraid to if you had to), GED, High school diploma or no education at all, baby daddy drama, incarcerated boyfriend/husband, aspiring rapper/actor for a boyfriend/husband, recreational drug and or alcohol use, frequent clubber, multiple kids or none at all, hustler/resourceful, will get your bills paid by any means necessary, dancer (former or current). If anyone has ever told you are "Ghetto" or "Hood"you will fit this role.
Please send 2 photos (head shot & body shot) and your story in the body of this email or @
Thank you
- Location: Atlanta
- it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
- Compensation: no pay
BUT I bet they are going to have everyone and their mother applying, running around talkin about, "ggiirrlll I'm about to be on "hoodwives" did you hear?!?!?" LMAOO!
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Happy Mother's day!!!
Sounding so cliche, I think everyday should be mother's day truthfully. Growing up my father was barely in the picture and even to this day he is very sometimey. As a child I was so fortunate to have a mother who played both roles in my life ( father and mother) There was never a time I wanted for anything. I can remember many of times my mother giving her last... just so I could go on a trip or splurge with my friends and for that I am eternally thankful. All too often have I overlooked and took the things my mother has done for me for granted, not taking the time out to truly tell her how much I love her and appreciate her everyday of my life, even days when I feel it is impossible to get along with her. I know raising me was not easy, as I was def. a problem child at times my mother handled the responsibility well and shaped me into the driven motivated young woman I am today. I love that she keeps it "so real" but hate it at the same time lol. Not many kids can say that about their parents. I was instilled with so much wisdom and knowledge ever since I can remember because my mother always kept it "real" outlining the good the bad and the ugly no matter how much i did not want to hear it. I also want to say thankyou to my grandmother who is also one of the strongest ladies I know, she raised 6 children on her own... 6! all whom of which have grown to be excellent people. So kudos to her, because it was the knowledge she passed onto my mother that was passed onto me, and hopefully one day I can be half as wonderful as the ladies in my life are and pass the same knowledge onto my children.
Love- Ashley
Love- Ashley
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Wale in Boston 05/11
My name Wale and I came to get it, came to get it, came to get it, WALE!
I just want to hear him say that then I'm out :X
Where: Wilbur Theater
Boston, MA
When: Wednesday May 11,2011
9:00 pm
This is an 18+ show... Wilbur theater is big on checkin i.d's so no funny business and the bar is fully stocked for those old enough to indulge... HAVE FUN :)
I wish oh how I wish Lady Gaga was going just so I could hear my song :(
I just want to hear him say that then I'm out :X
Where: Wilbur Theater
Boston, MA
When: Wednesday May 11,2011
9:00 pm
This is an 18+ show... Wilbur theater is big on checkin i.d's so no funny business and the bar is fully stocked for those old enough to indulge... HAVE FUN :)
I wish oh how I wish Lady Gaga was going just so I could hear my song :(
Story of the Day.
So of course working in a hotel you get all kinds of attention. Granted I never actually pay any of these knuckle heads any mind... I made an exception to one. It could have been the bottle of moscato he brought back for me when he came from the liquor store ( who knows) but anyways I agreed to take his number down and this may come as a surprise lol.... I never called! So, just the other night he comes into my hotel looking for his usual jacuzzi room and of course we were sold out so I thought after the words, "Sorry we are completely booked" rang out my mouth that would be the end of the conversation ( but of course not.) This man/ boy let call him a moy... began to go on and on in his heavy hatian accent about how he was so upset I did not call this and he wanted to take me out that... As he was blabbering on I glanced outside and saw hsi beautiful car, then thought about how I was going to drive to providence tonight with no license then a light bulb went off in my head ( ding ding ding) So after interuppting his nonsense I said you and your boys should come to the club tonight with my girls, not inviting him because I actually wanted to enjoy his company but only because desperate times call for desperate measures, and I cannot be driving with no license or in cooler terms "riding dirty" so of course he was wicked excited and said okay see you later... BAD MISTAKE. So I get off work rush like crazy because its already 11 o clock and we need to go all the way to providence. Finally I meet him and it is 11:30 and he's on chill mode... needing to get gas and some more stuff Thinking to myself there is no way in hell I went through all this trouble to not make it to the club we better get there, we finally picked up my friend and were on our way. The ride was pure hell. between him talking nonsense about how he's a rapper, and he lives this life I thought I was about to jump out of the moving car. Finally we get there to see a line around the corner... thinking to myself we they do that at... i marched to the front of the line knowing that money talks flashed a couple bills and we were in there! of course he paid. What a relief time to party I thought of course he is on my ass invading my space cramping my style making it awkward for me to be near any other guys. I was so relieved he went to the bar, taht gave me the chance to get my groove on, on the low :) The whole night I was walking on egg shells trying not to make him uncomfortable and respect him but also trynna get a new roster going :) so finally when i saw him dancing on some fat chick in the corner that was the okay i needed. I went wild danced with all the guys I had been eyeing from the time I walked in the door and walked away with 3 numbers (kudos to me) needless to say the ride home was a quiet one and i think he got the picture. Lesson learned do not go to the club with a MOY (man boy) in general or a weirdo for that matter.
Now you see HIM now you don't.
I thought this would bring some entertainment and possibly some curiostiy to your day... because It sure brought all that and some more to mine.
Theman woman photo'd above is named Nadia and he she was born a MAN.
After having one of my favorite scenes from one of my favorite movies, "ms. Doubtfire" all I could hear was his son's voice of "HE's A SHE, SHE's A HE" in utter disbelief and shock.
She def. belongs on Maury... and I bet when it was time to decide if she was a man or a woman she would have everyone fooled.
It is also reported that Ms. Nadia is heavily involved in the rap game and has been "involved" with many infamous rappers.

including Waka Flocka... who has been giving his flame out to everyone and their mother... let's hope this tranny was smart and wrapped it up or she might be the one who is actually in for a surprise... BOW WOW ( I wonder if Angela Simmons knows, and if so does she not find that disturbing?!?!)
I mean yah, she is bad... but she is a he, and I can only imagine what is going on South of the Equator #Nuffsaid
Who knew the party scene came with such drama? now you have to worry about if the girl you see across the room is a man or not. pure madness.
After having one of my favorite scenes from one of my favorite movies, "ms. Doubtfire" all I could hear was his son's voice of "HE's A SHE, SHE's A HE" in utter disbelief and shock.
She def. belongs on Maury... and I bet when it was time to decide if she was a man or a woman she would have everyone fooled.
It is also reported that Ms. Nadia is heavily involved in the rap game and has been "involved" with many infamous rappers.
including Waka Flocka... who has been giving his flame out to everyone and their mother... let's hope this tranny was smart and wrapped it up or she might be the one who is actually in for a surprise... BOW WOW ( I wonder if Angela Simmons knows, and if so does she not find that disturbing?!?!)
I mean yah, she is bad... but she is a he, and I can only imagine what is going on South of the Equator #Nuffsaid
Who knew the party scene came with such drama? now you have to worry about if the girl you see across the room is a man or not. pure madness.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Go Big or Go Home!
So tonight is my "Mini Me's" Birthday celebration shout outs to my CV shorty, and she is partying in V.I.P which prompts me to wonder is it better to go big or go home...
After countless times in both V.I.P and the club amongst the rest of the "normies" I have found it is so much better to pay the extra money and get a table and be able to enjoy yourselves. Just last week. After paying 40$ to get in the club, yes I said 40$... I brought myself a spot to share the dancefloor with a bunch of hooligans and drunken messes. After being elbowed for the umpteenth time I became so envious of the people who were in V.I.P why? #1 because they were not being harassed by mulitple guys who resempled shrek and an assortment of other ugly monsters... #2. They were enjoying their club experince comfortably not worrying about their friends getting lost in the crowd, or even getting swept away in the crowd themselves ( something that commonly happens amongst "small" people such as myself)... So when my mini me asked if I was attending her B- Day extravaganza... she had V.I.P I was almost inclined to say absolutely not thinking of how I had to work ... and if you are wondering yes I am at work right now as I am writing this, thinking about how I should be picking out my outfit and grooving to some "Gucci"... the only artist who gets my club nights started
So I want to say... enjoy your night tonight missy... and to anyone else going out tonight go big or go home... V.I.P will make ur status go up about 100 points... have everyone wondering who you are and how you got there... and wishing they were either in the limelight or sharing it with you
AND I ALSO WANT TO SAY!! come to KARMA on SAT. this weekend because it's going to be part II. and yes we will be up in V.I.P.
Happy Thursday everyone :)
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